Likely the funniest show at this year’s festival, Jon Bennett: How I Learned to Hug is a touching and hilarious must-see at the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival.

BOOKHUNT: Obvious Titles and Awkward Authors
You know when you’re in a proper bookstore – one of those shops where the shelves are full, and overflow piles everywhere? And you notice someone else in that bookstore, and you wonder: “What is that person looking for?” And you kind of keep on eye on them, and possibly even follow them around, to…

Five Dollars: Free with Every Banana. Unorthodox Californian Banking Practices
Withdrawing money abroad can cost a lot in banking fees. I solved this problem in California by strategically buying Flip Flops and Bananas. You can, too. I suppose title youthe above title may mislead some readers into believing that the State of California has incentivized banks to pay people to eat bananas in an effort…

Ignoring Spot (the exchange rate, not the dog)
“So you mean to tell me that whenever I withdraw money in a foreign currency, the official exchange rate can be ignored and any amount of money can be taken from my account? And I have no way to determine what that rate will be before I withdraw the money, and I will have absolutely…
things you can do with your fridge
So I’m sitting there, thinking about my underwear. A few steps away is a giant chess board and a hot tub. In the evening I will be served large quantities chocolate cake, along with ice cream, for free. But it is about my underwear that I am thinking, when I finally ask myself: What’s the…

BOOKHUNT: Telepathic Spiders from Space
Without constraints I can spend hours in a good used bookstore. Without constraints, I could probably live in one. But on any given occasion you will eventually need to eat, or go to the bathroom, go to work, or go to class. And if you’re with people? They won’t want to stay as long. Not…

Car Free Day a less Care-Free Day when there are Big Fucking Guns on the street
Semi-Automatic Rifles were present on Commercial Drive on Car Free Day. They made a lot of people uncomfortable. What was the point?

Visual Riddles: Grocery Store
You can be assured that, at least once, in the near or distant past, some quantity of cash was sucked under the conveyor belt…

Visual Riddles: California
Was this breakfast hastily abandoned, or mindfully intended for another day?
Visual Riddles: Iceland
In Húsavík, it wasn’t uncommon to see a full can of beer half-buried in the snow. You might wonder: why not use the fridge? but sometimes it’s too far away, and it’s easier to just pick up your beer on the way to wherever you plan to drink it (apparently). It’s a practice I’m sure…