One day, when I was heading home from work, I was putting my coat on and was surprised and pleased to find a banana in the inside pocket. I’d completely forgotten about it, and now I had a snack for the way home. Then I thought: “This was such a nice surprise… Maybe it would…

Polite Signs above a Toilet
It’s a tricky thing, to take a picture of a strange bathroom situation. You definitely don’t want to be the guy taking pictures in the bathroom. But sometimes there is something so good, it needs to have its picture taken. That piece of graffiti, or that sign on the toilet. Like this one: What a…

Outcast Crayon
There’s no accounting for the things you might find on the ground. And that’s why it’s worth looking. Not long ago I was in Beaverton, Oregon, when I noticed a single crayon at the foot of a park bench. Now that, in and of itself, may be of no great import, but it was the…

BOOKHUNT: Special Sections, Finding Treasure, and Things that Aren’t from Space
Growing up, I was notorious for having bad luck on my brother’s birthday. I usually sustained some kind of damage to my face, which was the result of various things, including cement at high velocity and a golf club to the eye. It seems to be something that I more or less grew out of…

Visual Riddles: Justin’s Mess
It had been a busy Sunday. I illegally swam to an unnamed island to check up on a stash of hidden books, purchased bacon, attended Port Moody’s Car Free Day, and roommate made a large quantity of vegan nachos, I baked a loaf of molasses bread, and baked my first loaf of molasses bread based…

BOOKHUNT: white whales, revoked hours, and first edition misses
For whatever reason, about a month after learning about Spider World by Colin Wilson, I found myself in California; digging holes, cleaning toilets, and building things for a New Yorker who wasn’t sure what he was trying to build. And accounting. I was also doing some accounting. In my free time, I was scouring the…

The Corn-on-the-Cob Holder Paradox
If it’s too hot for your hand, then it’s too hot for your mouth. Why do these exist?

Vancouver Fringe Festival 2018 – Banned in the USA
Banned in the USA took a painful hour not getting to the point, and then went 15 minutes over its scheduled time. This may be the worst fringe performance I have ever seen.

Vancouver Fringe Festival 2018 – Tomatoes Tried to Kill Me But Banjos Saved My Life
Tomatoes Tried to Kill Me, But Banjos Saved My Life is a show in the true spirit of Fringe. The performance will put a smile on your face, leaving you glad and happy.

Vancouver Fringe Festival 2018 – Poly Queer Love Ballad
A 75 minute Slam Poetry Musical, that is good even if you don’t like Slam Poetry, Musicals, or 75 minute shows.