George and Edward – so young and handsome, but already taller than me. Their heads were cut off and stolen while I was at work. And then a few weeks later, Timothy was kicked to death.

It’s one of those books that will make you want to hug everybody you know. And the movie is quite pleasant, too

Shows: Cobra Kai (Season 1 and 2)
“Cobra Kai”: Good or Bad? It’s kind of like that course on Nicholas Cage in Community1 — it’s complicated.

Café Du Soleil: alive and well (despite vehement claims of a pretentious hipster)
If people get upset because you don’t blindly believe every word they say, you probably shouldn’t blindly believe any words that they say

What to do with a jar of pickled asparagus spears (if you can ever get it open)
A jar of Foster’s Pickled Asparagus Spears can be really hard to open, but once you do…