This Office Supplies Store in Mexico seemed disproportionately concerned with theft

Darning Socks
Sometimes it’s more appropriate to darn than to stitch or sew…

Poison High School Tacos
Sometimes you eat something delicious and then weird stuff happens to your butt.

CORRECTIONS: The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, by Raymond Smullyan
A quick list of the few errors (along with corrections) in this otherwise excellent book.

BOOKS: The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, by Raymond Smullyan
This is the most delightful collection of chess-themed logic problems one could hope to find

Being Sherlock
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be Sherlock Holmes?

The (fine print) Cost of ‘Pain Relief’, courtesy Johnson and Johnson
“Your minor abrasion might hurt less, but…”

BOOKS: weird earth, by Donald R Prothero
The Author does a great job of convincing the reader that they are better of reading the reference material instead of the book itself.