Category: Uncategorized

After-Movie-Conversations: The Huntsman: Winters War
Maybe it was a date, but above was the actual conversation I had with the girl after this movie. Date or not, there was no follow-up. People really liked Charlize Theron’s Ravana in the Snow White and the Huntsman, but they were considerably less enthusiastic about Kristen Stewart’s Snow White. Kind of amazing, then, that…

Rubber Spatula Design
I am often shocked when I enter another human’s kitchen to find that they do not own a rubber spatula. Growing up, it seemed an essential tool in my mother’s kitchen doings. The rubber spatula, more than any other kitchen item, allowed for the reduction of waste. Perhaps you don’t think that ‘waste’ is an…

my house versus a bus
Life can be full of the unexpected. I was never expecting to work on the tree ambulance, or to be poisoned by a potato, or to get a soup recipe from Mr. T. I was never expecting an egg to dangerously explode by a camp fire, nor was I expecting to almost get a Hungarian…