A forgotten gem about life in Montreal’s Jewish ghetto during the Second World War.
Category: Reviews
BOOKS: Dr. Sleep, by Stephen King
An amazing 500+ pages, with a typo at the end
BOOKS: Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment, by Jane Gallop
This provocative and well-written volume promises to liven up your book club
CORRECTIONS: The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, by Raymond Smullyan
A quick list of the few errors (along with corrections) in this otherwise excellent book.
BOOKS: The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, by Raymond Smullyan
This is the most delightful collection of chess-themed logic problems one could hope to find
The (fine print) Cost of ‘Pain Relief’, courtesy Johnson and Johnson
“Your minor abrasion might hurt less, but…”
BOOKS: weird earth, by Donald R Prothero
The Author does a great job of convincing the reader that they are better of reading the reference material instead of the book itself.
Code Word: Geronimo – American Military Propaganda for your Kids
The graphic novel was somewhat informative but mostly disappointing, but I’m glad I read it because it’s shortcomings motivated me to revisit an excellent podcast
Losing the Message in the Metaphor
While remaining relevant and prophetic for decades after its first publication, “Amusing Ourselves to Death” by Neil Postman falls victim to some of the very indulgences it warns against.
Brevity, Lighting, and Torture in Star Trek: The Next Generation
A scene from a random episode I’d seen as a kid lingered with me for over 20 years. I was surprised to see that references to that scene are still in circulation today, and I finally went to the trouble to watch the episode in its entirety.
Iterations of Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo, Finding Nemo in Space, and Finding Nemo with Guns
BOOKS: Immunity, by William E Paul
Textbook, Autobiography, and a History of immunological research